Ideal lawn mowing height of 2.5"
There are many factors that influence the look and color of a beautiful turf grass lawn in Northern Illinois. These factors consist of temperatures, watering techniques, sun and shade to the lawn, fertilization and weed control and sometimes most importantly mowing height. At Lawn Doctor of Antioch-Gurnee-Waukegan-Lake Forest we have not had many service calls this season thanks to the cooler, wet weather we have had so far this spring. However, the last few service calls that have come in this week, they have all had the same issue; too low of mowing height. Lawn mowing height has a big influence on the health of the grass plant and not mowing at a proper height for the season can negatively impact the lawn that many people spend a lot of time and exercise on trying to make it look more desirable.
Lawn in late summer full and green due to proper mowing height all summer
Most lawns that fertilized with 3-4 pounds of Nitrogen fertilizer per year can be mowed at a height of 2" during early to mid-spring. However, as the temperatures begin to rise and after seed head production (usually occurs in late May) is over the grass begins to slow its growth. When this happens the lawn will no longer be able to easily grow more leaf tissue to repair itself from the cutting. As the temperatures rise, each mowing is becoming more liable for causing browning of the lawn. This is why Lawn Doctor recommends that lawn mowers get adjusted to a mowing height of 2.5 to 3 inches after Memorial Day. This allows for the turf to maintain as much moisture in its leaf tissue allowing it to stay much greener and healthier as summer stress begins.
Lawn mowed at 2" is ok before Memorial Day Lawn cut way too short at 1" or less
Please raise mowing decks to a height of 2.5 to 3inches if you are reading this today. Raising your mowing height greatly increases your chances of maintaining a healthier and greener lawn well into the summer season. Longer leaf tissue also increases the amount of shade to the root zone which keeps the soil temperature lower as the sun rays and air temperatures begin warming the soil to levels that are harmful to the plant. Soil temperatures can be 3 to 5 degrees lower in taller grass lawns than those cut at 2 inches or less.
If your lawn is cut lower than 1 inch, I hope you have an hourly watering and spoon-feeding fertilization program to keep the grass from browning and dormancy. The lawn in this last picture was scalped down to less than a half inch. This is a great way to kill or severely damage a lawn.
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